Sex with animals video

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Johanson wrote three books on sexuality and toured Canada to give talks at schools in her mission to destigmatize sex. If she felt that it was a very sensitive topic that needed to be dealt with carefully and gently, she would sometimes put a call off until the end of the show and talk to people privately.' 'If people were uncomfortable with something, she tried to put them at ease. 'She really cared, earnestly and honestly,' Jane Johanson said. The real appeal, though, was her answers. People delighted in calling in to 'The Sunday Night Sex Show' and its American counterpart, 'Talk Sex with Sue Johanson,' with questions about obscure acts and fetishes in hopes of shocking the matronly nurse, her daughter said. Johanson's straight talk about sexual practices earned acclaim across Canada and the United States.

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Johanson died in Toronto on Wednesday at age 93 after a long decline, Jane Johanson said. TORONTO - Sue Johanson, a nurse who became a popular TV sex expert in Canada and the United States when she was in her 60s, has died, her daughter said.

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